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On 17/3-21 Linda got 8 puppies. 4 males and 4 females. They will be named after colors, i.e. a color litter. The males' names are Ivory Black, Deep Indigo, Olive Green and Paynes Gray.
The bitches' names are Pearl White, Magical Magenta, Opera Rose and Burnt Sienna
Olive Green
In his new home at Lena and Peter's house, Olive Green is called Moltas.
Deep Indigo
Deep Indigo was named Sigge at Erik and Katarina's house
Ivory Black
Ivory Black is called Frasse at Helena and Tord's house
Opera Rose
Opera Rose moved to Denmark. There she lives with Dorte and Tom. she has been named Lilou
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Sienna moved to Denmark. She lives with Lene and Jan. Today her name is Alma.
Payne's Gray
Paynes Gray moved to Gotland. There he lives with Kalle. There he will be called Triss
Magic Magenta
Magical Magenta moved home to Disa and Sara. Her name is Marran
Pearl White
Pearl White was allowed to stay. Her name is now Saga.
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